Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals

Cleveland Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals

Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2022
9:30 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. EDT

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Cleveland, OH (Directions)

Meeting via WebEx (watch via YouTube)

The Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals is a 5-member body responsible for hearing appeals from any order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Commissioner of Building and Housing, or any other administrative official or agency of the City, relating to the location, design, materials, construction, alteration, repair, equipment, use or occupancy, maintenance, removal or demolition of any building or other structure, or appurtenance connected or attached to such buildings or structures, regulated by the Building Code of the City of Cleveland.

This meeting will be held via WebEx, but will also be livestreamed via YouTube.

View the livestream of meetings on YouTube here:

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team

Note-taking by Denise Lykes

Board members grant extensions to correct violations

Live reporting by Emily Anderson

Board members grant extensions to correct violations

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle You can watch along on the City Planning Commission’s YouTube channel here:

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters or email us at

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle The Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals is a 5-member body responsible for hearing appeals from any order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Commissioner of Building and Housing, or any other administrative official or agency of the City, relating to…

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle … the location, design, materials, construction, alteration, repair, equipment, use or occupancy, maintenance, removal or demolition of any building or other structure, or appurtenance connected or attached to such buildings or structures, regulated by the Building Code

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Information on how to appeal - some homeowner resources are on this page too!

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Page 1-4 of today’s 6-page agenda

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Pages 5-6 of today’s 6-page agenda

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Agenda TL;DR - 11 property owners appeal Notice of Violations, 1 appeals for an extention

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Patrick Gallagher starts the meeting off by reading the preamble

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Only 3 board members are present at this meeting - Gallagher says that because of this, appellants have the option of rescheduling their case.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Violations at this property have been abated (meaning they’re null or void) so this appeal is withdrawn after some discussion

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle The owner is requesting time to complete the abatement of the violations. Tina Mahoney explains the violations that have been fixed. The house is currently vacant and up for sale. 90 days are granted to either sell the property or abate the violations.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Attorney Joe Straka is present on behalf of the owner. He says 60-70% of violations have been resolved and the unit in question is ready to be inspected. He asks for more time to resurface the parking lot. The board grants 2 weeks to install CO2 detectors and 90 days for the rest

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle This property was recently purchased. The new owner is not present today. The violations are upheld, the appeal is denied, and the property is remanded to the Division of Building and Housing for further action.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Art Mckoy, the property owner, is present. He says he’s been in contact with the inspector and is nearly finished with repairs on this rental property. He’s asking for more time to finish everything and complete the inspection. He’s given an extra 60 days to abate all violations.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle No representatives from this property are present. The appeal is denied and the property is remanded.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle No representatives from this property are present. The appeal is denied and the property is remanded.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle The property owner is present (via phone) and explains the situation going on with her tenant. Vanover points out that the violations are on the exterior, and the owner says she can’t get anyone to agree to work on the property while the tenant is there for safety reasons.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle The owner of this property is given 6 months to settle in court with her tenant and abate the violations.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle No representatives from this property are present. The appeal is denied and the property is remanded.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Mohamed Husein, a family member of the owner, is present to explain that 75% of the repairs have been made by the uncooperative tenant is preventing them from finishing. They’re in court with the tenant now. They give him an extension to Dec 15th to abate violations.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Owner Nick Yousef is present. They have some questions about permits - because the building was condemned normally all new permits need to be filed. Work that’s been done already was done so illegally and without a permit before Yousef had access to the property.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Yousef asks for 180 days to pull permits, get a Certification of Occupancy, and abate all violations. They’re given 30 days to pull the permits and 180 days to fix the place up.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle No representatives from this property are present. The appeal is denied and the property is remanded.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle Minutes from the last meeting are approved.

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@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle With no further business, the meeting is adjourned. This concludes the Cleveland Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals meeting.

Agency Information

Cleveland Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals

The Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals is a 5-member body responsible for hearing appeals from any order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Commissioner of Building and Housing, or any other administrative official or agency of the City, relating to the location, design, materials, construction, alteration, repair, equipment, use or occupancy, maintenance, removal or demolition of any building or other structure, or appurtenance connected or attached to such buildings or structures, regulated by the Building Code of the City of Cleveland.

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