Marion County Metropolitan Development Commission


200 E Washington St, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Indianapolis 46204 (Directions)

City-County Building

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The nine-member MDC adopts and amends the comprehensive General Land Use Plan for Marion County, keeping track of the changing needs of the city. The commission adopts zoning ordinances and makes decisions on some variance and all rezoning petitions. The mayor appoints five commissioners and the City-County Council appoints four, all drawing from the general population.

The MDC functions as the board of the Department of Metropolitan Development, approving contracts and property sales for redevelopment. The commission also serves as the planning and zoning commission and as a redevelopment commission with litigative authority.

The MDC is empowered by statute to:

Plan thoroughfares Adopt amendments to and additional segments of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Adopt resolutions concerning land use policy Approve ordinances for zoning and districting Approve and recommend ordinances for amendment or repeal of zoning ordinances Approve development plans Exercise Board of Zoning Appeals powers to grant or deny special exceptions and variances Exercise all statutory powers in accordance with said statutes Learn more about the MDC by reviewing the MDC Rules of Procedure and the Plat Committee Rules of Procedure.

MDC duties also include tax abatement, declaration of redevelopment areas, and the purchase and sale of property. The president decides all points of order and procedure unless otherwise directed by a majority of the members present.


John J. Dillon III, President (appointed by mayor) Brent Lyle (appointed by City-County Council) Brian Murphy (appointed by mayor) Megan Garver (appointed by mayor) Brigid Robinson (appointed by mayor) Bruce Schumacher (appointed by mayor) Michael James (appointed by City-County Council) Daniel Moriarty (appointed by City-County Council) MDC hearing examiner The MDC hearing examiner conducts hearings. Hearing examiners are contract employees who conduct hearings for rezoning petitions, companion variance or special exception petitions, approval petitions, and all other companion petitions. All decisions may be appealed to the MDC.

Hearing examiners:

Judy Weerts Hall James G. Holland (alternate)

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