Criminal Justice

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Regular meeting of the Citizens’ Police Complaint Board.

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Edited and summarized by the Indianapolis - IN Documenters Team

Audio by Margo Kelly

The Citizens' Police Complaint Board heard two cases against IMPD officers.

IMPD Citizens Police Complaint Board Nov 18, 2024

Recording of the IMPD Citizens Police Complaint Board Meeting held on Monday November 18, 2024.

Note-taking by Anita Jackson

The Citizens' Police Complaint Board reviewed two cases against IMPD officers.

Live reporting by Franklin Bennett

The Citizens' Police Complaint Board reviewed two complaints against IMPD officers.

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Tonight’s agenda
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The Board prepares to start the meeting and hear citizens complaints.
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The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm by the president of the board Kenneth Riggans.
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The minutes for the October 2024 meeting were approved.
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We begin tonight with case CPCO #2023-037F. The Case of Christine Anderson.The complaint is against three officers.She alleged that Detective Masterson spoke inappropriately to her during her arrest for alleged was determined that Anderson was being 1/2 prostitution.It
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Trafficked.She also alleges that another detective Sergeant Wilkerson inappropriately touched her pelvic area during the sting operation.2/2
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“I think that the bigger question is whether IMPD should still be arresting people for prostitution”-Evan Shearin, Board member
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“Undercover officers often put themselves in positions of criminal’s to conduct undercover operations” said officer David Bolling in response to why the officer touched Christine Anderson’s pelvic area.
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As it relates to detective Wilkerson the board voted to exonerate and agreed with Internal Affairs in this matter.
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In regard to detectives Maston and Hartman,the board voted to sustain and to also schedule a follow up meeting with the IMPD chief in regard to the misconduct.
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The next case on the agenda CPCO #2023-081F-Glen Schmidt.
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Glen Schmidt’s complaint centers around the fact that 1)During a domestic dispute between he and his girlfriend, that detective Howard and Slishinger didn’t view video that would have corroborated his allegations his girlfriend assaulted him. 1/2
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Schmidt, a former officer also alleges the officers took his department issued handgun and other department issued also said due to this incident he felt he was strong-armed to sign a letter of resignation by lieutenant John Baker.2/2 items.Schmidt
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The criminal charges against Schmidt in regard to domestic violence as violence were dismissed.
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In regard to the first allegation of sub-standard performance by an officer the board chose to exonerate the regard to the second allegation of not using proper procedure using a body cam and sub-standard performance during an investigation the board 1/2 officer.In
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voted to exonerate the officers.2/2
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In regard to the case follow up for Tabitha Kemp and Mike and Melissa Bolivia from last month the board voted to affirm the sustained findings of last month.
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As far as announcements,next month’s meeting will take place at Martindale-Brightwood library.
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The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.
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Have questions? Feel we got something wrong? Please contact us @mirrorindy or @indydocumenters

Agency Information

Citizens' Police Complaint Board

See meeting notes for details

(317) 327-3440

See Documenters reporting

The Citizens’ Police Complaint Board (CPCB) reviews complaints brought to the attention of the Citizens’ Police Complaint Office. The board has nine voting members, three non-voting members, and one IMPD member, the City-County Council appoints six members and one IMPD member, and the Fraternal Order of Police appoints one member.

Current Board Members:

  • Craig Cordi, member
  • Ranissa E Dycus, member
  • Kelly Doucet, member
  • David Bolling, ex-officio
  • Kenneth Riggins, member
  • Timothy Jeffers, member
  • Patrice Abduallah, member
  • Evan Shearin, member
  • Kortney Bond, member
  • Brett B Thomas, member
  • Scott Carpenter, ex-officio

Check the source website for additional information

Questions? Email us at

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