[remote or in person] Committee on Housing and Real Estate

Chicago City Council

Wednesday, April 10, 2024
12:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m. CDT

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121 N LaSalle St Chicago, IL 60602 (Directions)

City Hall, 2nd floor, Council Chambers

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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Live reporting by Natalie Frank

Vacancy rates in CHA scattered sites, Chicago Children's Advocacy Center

Natalie Frank, Ph.D
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@CHIdocumenters Agenda:
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@CHIdocumenters Meeting is delayed until the meeting for the Chicago Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs and Recreation concludes. They have several more agenda items to go.
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@CHIdocumenters Meeting called to order by Chair Byrib Sigcho-Lopez at 12:45. Roll call established quorum present.
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@CHIdocumenters Public comments included discussion of Homeless Management System, 311,means of getting housing, with requests repeatedly ignored; Systemic discrimination; Access Living - Access to affordable, accessible housing for disabled residents, cities failure to comply with related law
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@CHIdocumenters Public comments - We need to achieve long term goal of preventing veterans from homelessness with veterans preferential affordable housing and agenda item #4. This concludes public comment.
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@CHIdocumenters March 2024 Rule 45 Report approved.
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@CHIdocumenters Item #1 - Michelle Woods, Dept. of Fleet & Facility Management requesting renewal of lease agreement w/ Chicago Children's Advocacy Center for building, park facilities, 1240 S Damen Ave. Center is the first responder to child protection cases. Coordinates comprehensive services
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@CHIdocumenters Item #1 - Need for CAC Services - have served 50k children, know abuse underreported. 38% of abuse cases reported. Center responds to every case that calls. Help police collect evidence & investigate. Building includes advocacy, mental health, physical health staff, police, DCFS
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@CHIdocumenters chicagocac.org
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@CHIdocumenters Item 1 - Why running out of space? Answer: Police dept. team is growing. Cont. to see more children in need of mental health treatment. Now have waitlist so services not meeting need. Motion passes. Will be reported at next council meeting.
Natalie Frank, Ph.D @FrankNatalie 12/20
@CHIdocumenters Item 2: Sale of vacant City "as-is" property, 4741 S Indiana Ave, with owner's property at 4739 & 4743 S Indiana Ave, for development, construction of 2 three-story residential buildings. London Walter, Department of Planning & Development.
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@CHIdocumenters Item 2: London Walter-Dept of Planning & Development No zoning changes needed. Not seeking public financing. No environ issues. Each bldg have 3 units, 2 brs 3 bathrooms, Benefits: Create 20-25 construction jobs, Bring new housing to Grand Blvd Area. Motion passed.
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@CHIdocumenters Item 3: Designation of 2000-2294 N Milwaukee Ave as Low-Affordability Community. Presented by Ald. La Spata 1st Ward. Motion approved.
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@CHIdocumenters Item 4: Call for hearing(s) on CHA's plan of action to address vacancy rates of scattered-site properties. Motion passed to accept substitute ordinance. Hearing with CHA to occur on Wed. May 8th 2024.
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@CHIdocumenters Item 4: Ald. Villegas, 36th Ward sponsored. Ald. Dowell requested addresses, locations info about sites before the hearing. La Spata requested Concrete plans and timelines for properties redevelopment. Motion passed to consider.
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@CHIdocumenters Item 5: Amendment of Municipal Code Section 2-44-085 regarding veteran preference for residential housing purchasers or renters under Affordability Requirements Ordinance. 36th Ward. Motion to substitute resolution changing date approved.
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@CHIdocumenters Item 5: Ald. Villegas- Many military members struggle when return home, need help getting back on feet. Preference with 10% of units set aside for affordable housing for veterans by developers.
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@CHIdocumenters Item 5: Representative from Dept. of Housing Daniel Hertz ordinance will create development for affordable veteran housing in areas traditionally don't have such housing available. Over 65k vets in Chicago. 73% of vets are minorities including women. Motion passed.
Natalie Frank, Ph.D @FrankNatalie 20/20
@CHIdocumenters Meeting adjourned at 2:00pm. This concludes coverage of the Chicago Committee on Housing & Real Estate meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for May 8, 2024, 12:00pm. For more meeting coverage, check out . documenters.org
Note-taking by Angela Ybarra

Agency Information

Chicago City Council

The Chicago City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Chicago and consists of the Mayor and Aldermen elected from each of the City’s fifty wards. Source

If you attend a meeting in person, be prepared to go through a security checkpoint and show photo ID.

Meetings are also livestreamed at https://www.chicityclerk.com/.

At this link, scroll down to “Meeting Notices.” Look for “Watch now” and click on the link with the meeting title to go to a livestream page. If you don’t see a link for the meeting, you may be early or the meeting may be starting late. Wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.

Recordings of past City Council meetings may be found here: https://vimeo.com/user100351763/videos/sort:date.

See also: “What to Expect at a Meeting of Chicago’s City Council” via the Better Government Association.

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