Return to Committee on Budget and Government Operations + Subcommittee on the Chicago Recovery Plan [remote or in person]
Live reporting by Pachina Fletcher
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Funds for immigration via DFSS, Chicago Recovery Plan, arts & culture

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The meeting started at 10:23am not at 10am because they needed at least 16 Alderman for a quorum.

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Public comment was said by Mr. Blakemore. He said, “Why did we have to wait so long for a quorum.” “Too many empty seats. The alderman needed to invite their community members.” He also shared more money should go to Black artists.

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Deputy Budget Director La Toya Vaughn presented a 20 million dollar budget needed for the newly arrived migrants from Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and etc. DCFS provides temporary housing, medical screenings, food, and employment resources for migrants who come to Chicago.

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Alderman Leslie Hairston said she would not vote for the allocation for the 20 million dollars. She said that migrants were placed in shelters without notifying the alderman. The Lake Shore hotel in her ward was used as a shelter without her being called.

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“There is no communication between DCFS and the alderman.” Alderman Rodriguez also said there is a lack of communication He also votes no for the money.

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Alderman Kaplanman explained he has 6 homeless shelters and 2 mental centers in his ward. Alderman DCFS, and the community need to work together. Immigrants and constituents need the resources and services. A

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Alderman Quinn said he would vote no. His concern was security staffing for each of the shelters. Favorite staffing is a security emergency preparedness organization that will be hired for each of the shelters.

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DCFS said they would give the Alderman a breakdown of how the 20 million dollars will be used.

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Alderman Lopez said money from the federal government should be requested. DCFS representative said that the 20 million will only last for 3 months. Alderman Lopez said they should partner with other agencies to help the community and be fiscally responsible.

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Alderman Susan Sadowski-Garza asked if the shelters would have social workers and case managers for the families. And DCFS said each shelter would have these resources available.

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The meeting adjourned at 11:30am.

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The next Committee on Budget and Government Operations will be held on Wednesday March 15, 2023 at 10am in the City Council Chambers.