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Live reporting by Franklin Bennett
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Regular meeting of the Citizens' Police Complaint Board.

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Tonight's agenda
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The meeting has started at 6:04 pm, with Northwest District board member Kenneth Riggins,thanking everyone for coming and going over the rules and regulations of hearing citizen complaints.
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The meeting has started with the introduction of two new members.They are Ayanna Webb and Cooper Lawler.
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The board has just went over their board training and approval of minutes for the May 2024 meeting.
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The board has moved on to a case follow up for Kenny Elmore. The primary issue in this case seems to be that even though Elmore, was convicted of a crime, did the officer not use proper protocols for engaging a person.The board has moved for mediation in this case.
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The board has moved onto the case review of Arealia Williams.Williams isn't present and her case is being presented by North District Board member Kelly Doucet.Quick case summary:Officer Brian Reed was called to a scene on Kessler Blvd,involving a car crash.The officer didn't
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report the crash allegedly even though damages seemed to exceed 1,000 dollars.She was not able to make a insurance claim report because there wasn't a report.The board moved to sustain.
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The board has moved onto the case of Anise Chaplin. The officer in this complaint failed to file a accident report. The officer did not activate their bodycam.The board has recommended that all violations be sustained in the complaint.The board sustained the complaint.
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That wraps up the case reviews and follow up.The board has moved onto announcements and they were a board training on 6/25 from 5-9pm and will cover community scenario based training. Board members were also encouraged to do a ride a long with an officer
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The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 pm.If you or anyone you know has been the victim of police misconduct, I've included a screenshot below with their contact info and the steps in that process.
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Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any questions on this meeting or these tweets to @indydocumenters. Or email us at