Return to [remote or in person] Full Committee Meeting
Live reporting by Reema Saleh
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Commission plans public hearing with discussion of enslavement, racial terror and political disenfranchisement

Reema Saleh @reemasabrina 2/10
The agenda? Here! The meeting link? Here!……
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The Illinois African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission is the country's second state-based reparations task force. It was formed last year to research and report on reparations for Black descendants of slavery and educate the public.……
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They don't have a quorum, so this is more for educational purposes. Now, they’re going over a presentation on the state’s African American Employment Plan for the next fiscal year and goals for recruitment.
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They have a quorum! They’re working on collaborations with different organizations and designing a newsletter. They’re also holding a public hearing in June. This is a very planning-future-engagements meeting, so I'm glossing—but they want to increase awareness of the commission.
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Now, they are planning this public hearing. They’re deciding between venues and have invited some speakers from the Chicago History Museum, Chicago Race Riot of 1919 Commemoration Project, UChicago, and Kennedy-King College. They’re aiming for June 22, July 6, or July 13.
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Ok, they voted—it’s going to be on Saturday, July 13. They’re planning more hearings on the South and West Sides and in Evanston to talk with the public about recommendations to give to the Illinois legislature.
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Public comment is at the end! The commission is also looking for Illinois residents to join, especially outside Chicago. Learn more about their past reports.
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Chairman Marvin Slaughter thanks everyone. With no further business before the board, the meeting is adjourned.
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The llinois African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission meeting ends at 3:17 PM. This ends my coverage for @chidocumenters. For more meeting coverage, check out Wesley Roger’s notes, which will be published very soon: