

During COVID, Cuyahoga County Board of Elections meetings are live streamed via this YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/CuyahogaCountyBOE/

A direct streaming link may be available in the meeting agenda.

Board of Elections meeting agendas are available 24 hours before the meeting start time, at the Board of Elections website: http://www.boe.cuyahogacounty.gov/

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team

Note-taking by Mildred Seward

Elections officials need night poll workers; those workers earn $15 an hour for 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. shift

Live reporting by Brian Douglas

Elections officials need night poll workers; those workers earn $15 an hour for 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. shift

BZ Douglas @bzdug
Good morning! At 9:30am I'll be live-tweeting today's @cuyahogaboe meeting for #CLEdocumenters @CLEdocumenters @NeighborUpCle

Meetings are live streamed here: youtube.com/user/CuyahogaC…

08:01 AM Jul 21, 2021 CDT

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The @cuyahogaboe consists of two Republicans and two Democrats appointed by the OH Secretary of State (@SecLaRoseComms), at the recommendation of each county party.

-Jeff Hastings (R), Chair
-Inajo Davis Chappell (D)
-Lisa Stickan (R)
-David Wondolowski (D)

Today's agenda: https://t.co/Brlrs2LiJq
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You can catch up on what happened at the previous meeting on 6/28 at this thread from #CLEdocumenters by @MelanatedMill

This thread will resume in about 30 minutes when the meeting kicks off.

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Meeting is live now.

While we wait for things to kick off, here is one of the docs referenced in the agenda:

SoS Directive 2021-17: Canvas Directives for 8/3/21 Special Congressional Primaries in 11th & 15th districts.
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All SoS directives can be found here:
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There appear to be audio problems. I can hear the pledge of allegiance, but it's extremely quiet.

Until the audio issues are resolved, I won't be able to relay what's happening.

@cuyahogaboe! You are having a meeting that is not being adequately livestreamed to the public.
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Audio fixed now.

The agenda appears to be cruising along with approvals of each certification.
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Special Election official budget passed unanimously. https://t.co/yHb5E06rAm
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Also passed unanimously. https://t.co/KDUOYl7FMQ
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Hastings has a question:
"Are any of these voting locations experiencing delays because there is a lack of these scanners and EPBs?"

Voting booths are log jams vs the Electronic Poll Books according to exec director. - Anthony Perlatti (Director)
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Do not anticipate problems with curbside voting.

Is not being widely announced, but available.
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Curbside is not supposed to be used for convenience, but for health reasons. -Chappell
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Masks are not required for voters. Masks will be available, but not in the same quantities.

Additional supplies will be set up in PPE zones (centralized stashes for distribution where needed). -Perlatti
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Fiscal Services pass w/o comment or question https://t.co/YbOE5VCgbH
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Director Perlatti reporting on new business:

Some voters are not designating party type when requesting absentee ballots. Says they are taking various steps to cure the process and educate voters.

Happens every primary.
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28% of absentee ballots have come back.

Early Person voting is around 100 people per day
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Election worker applications are coming in at a satisfactory rate.

Looking to train 100 people per day, on track to do so. A lot of repeat workers, which is good for voters to have more experience present at the polls.
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Voting equipment and pollbooks are on their way out to polling locations.

One area lacking lacking is election night workers. $15/hr 7:30-11:30.

Word is being sent out to democratic and republican parties, colleges, municipal employees.

Difficult because many are on vacation.
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Hastings: Is there a logistical issue with mobilizing ballots and equipment?

Perlatti: This is one of the roughest election cycles they have dealt with. A lot of juggling. Expects the September election to be even more tricky.
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Perlatti Moving onto bi-annual budget.

Was waiting for the election schedule before proposing the budget.
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Needs to have the budget approved by August 23rd.

Will have the proposal a week prior.

Chappell wants it earlier. Perlatti says he's aiming for August 9th.
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Additional funding (no dollar amounts):

Ongoing maintenance costs will increase because of the procurement of new machines and equipment that was paid for with grant money.
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Chappell: No more grant money will be coming for procuring additional machines.

Note to self to go learn about this grant they are discussing around the 27m mark.
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Temp employees paid $12.50/hr.

Perlatti would like to increase to $15/hr to be more competitive.
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$172.10 has been the pay for poll workers for a decade.

People have expressed an expectation of $250, which were last year's pandemic wages.

Hastings and Chapell are supportive.
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Three power outages on Saturday, and no backup generator was present. This caused lack of access to DIMS (critical computer system).

A backup generator needs to be procured for the full 30 day election processing period.
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Chappell: Does it make sense to purchase one permanently vs leasing as needed?

Perlatti: Requesting a quote for a permanent solution, but an immediate need is present.
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Postal service plans to increase postage costs, which will require budget increase.
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Private locations want more money, and keeping the same location is preferrable. Perlatti recommends increasing from $300-500 to use a private space for polling location.

Sometimes requires 7-10 days to to store all gear and accommodate workers.
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Next budgetary concern:

SoS is now requiring that all voting equipment have NO wireless components.

Some vendors are now building new equipment to be certified.

This may cause pushing implementation of new equipment to 2023.
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They will have a dollar amount for ancillary supplies to voting machines until they know which voting machines are certified vendors.
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Chappell: Will this pause effect grant/budgetary requirements for spending money on new machinery?

Perlatti: July of 2023 will be the deadline for spending.

Hastings: Wants details confirmed and firmed up.
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There seems to be a question of how an accurate budget can be approved when there is uncertainty as to which voting machine vendors will be certified.
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Perlatti has one time ask of $50k for "Cyber-Security"

Says they are in compliance, but believes more is necessary based on conversations with SoS.
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Capitol projects:
- Carpeting in building (installed in 1987). Board all agrees the carpet is "bad", and not a frivolous expense.

Needs more input from staff on other building issues.
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Ongoing maint ($50-100k bid out to county):
- Stairwells need new emergency lighting
- Brick tuckpoint
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More chatter from SoS that "in the future, BOE will have to replace their Electronic Poll Books."

Currently they use consumer products such as iOS or Android devices. This is a cyber-security concern.

This is not an official budgetary increase request, more of a heads up.
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Now onto @JustinMBibb

Some petitions had one or more addresses where an address was crossed off and a new one was written, but not initialed.

Penmanship on these all seemed to match.

None of those were included, but did not effect Bibb's candidacy.
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Hasting: We have a summary that points to one individual doing it.

Discussions with 22 canvasses with campaign said that the addresses were unaltered when turned in.
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Campaign manager was cooperative with the board said one person did have custody as they were brought in for filing, Ken Johnson.

Something happened between being turned into the campaign and passing to the board.
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The law says that the signer must enter their address.

Hastings wants to issue a subpoena, Chappell wonders if it's necessary when it can be referred.

Hastings believes its the @cuyahogaboe to investigate itself.
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Mark (law dir?)

May be an issue where Johnson thought he had implied consent.

Hastings insists that the board must talk to him, Wondolowski and Chappell agree.

Moves to subpoena Johnson.
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Motion passes.

Moving onto protest filed by Shalira Taylor regarding Tawayne McGee for insufficient signatures.
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They are reviewing documents, but they are not visible to the online audience.
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Reviewing three specific signatures being challenged.

McGee is right at the threshold of signatures: 200.
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Hastings says the board has reviewed the three petitions find them to be valid.

Protester says that one address is the middle of the street.

Board is reviewing.
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Hastings explains that the burden of evidence is on the protestor, not the voter.

Swearing in Ms. Taylor.
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Hastings wants to go line by line.

Line 8: Shouldn't count because address was 3618, but registration is 3610.

Line 13: Questioning specific numbers that look the same, and that the signature doesn't match

Line 17: Address mismatch
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Taylor says that McGee didn't actually sign several petitions that were turned in.

Hastings points out that this is a brand new protest, and will not be hearing this new evidence. Taylor's representative seemed surprised by this new protest and agreed with the board.
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Hastings and the board do not agree with the line item protests.

McGee is being invited to speak.
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Hastings invites McGee to comment, but McGee has nothing to regarding the protest.

Hastings was aware one address did not exist and actually notified the board of it ahead of the protest.
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Hastings and the board have no questions and thank Mr. McGee for his time.
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The board has guidelines from the SoS to be more lenient on challenges to voter intent.

Motion to dismiss petition passes unanimously.
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No one is present for public comment.

Board is now in executive session.

Have a happy Wednesday, and thanks for keeping up with your local government!
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Whoop, spoke too soon. Board is coming back out of executive session.

Not sure where things are picking up now...

@SecLaRoseComms is making an appearance. He's in town to observe earl voting.
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Secretary sings the board's praises.

Board thanks the secretary for all his help.

Chappell expresses her thanks for a BOE mentorship program that the SoS implemented.
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Now moving to executive session to discuss personnel matters.

Meeting adjourned for real this time. https://t.co/aafvR7B9p6
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Live video link for this meeting:

Agency Information

Cuyahoga County Board of Elections

The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections exists to serve the citizens of Cuyahoga County by faithfully conducting the election process through which they choose their representatives.

During COVID, Cuyahoga County Board of Elections meetings are live streamed via this YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/CuyahogaCountyBOE/

A direct streaming link may be available in the meeting agenda. Board of Elections meeting agendas are available 24 hours before the meeting start time, at the Board of Elections website: http://www.boe.cuyahogacounty.gov/


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