Detroit City Council Formal Session, 10 a.m.

Detroit City Council


Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Paige Rollins

New council elects Mary Sheffield (D5) president (7-2) and James Tate (D1) pro tem (6-3)

Live reporting by Kayleigh Lickliter

New council elects Mary Sheffield (D5) president (7-2) and James Tate (D1) pro tem (6-3)

Kayleigh Lickliter @kayleighrenel
Good morning, Detroit! ⛄️❄️

I’ll be live-tweeting the Detroit City Council Formal Session meeting today at 10:00am for #DETdocumenters.

@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @Detour_Detroit @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @DetDocumenters

08:24 AM Jan 4, 2022 CST

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We’ll start the new year with (6) newly elected councilmembers!

• Angela Whitfield Calloway (District 2) 
• Latisha Johnson (District 4) 
• Gabriela Santiago-Romero (District 6) 
• Fred Durhal III (District 7) 
• Coleman Young II (At-Large) 
• Mary Waters (At-Large)
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There are three returning Council members:

• James Tate (District 1)
• Scott Benson (District 3)
• Mary Sheffield (District 5)
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Today’s meeting will be held in-person in the Committee of the Whole Room on the 13th floor of the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center.

The public was strongly encouraged to attend virtually. Instructions for joining the meeting can be found here:
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Today’s agenda and relevant information is available on the city’s website:
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For those following along with me today, watch for a “🚨” to signify the start of public comments.

Note: those attending virtually *and* in-person will have the opportunity to participate in public comment.
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Still waiting for the meeting to begin on zoom! Will update as soon as they’re live.
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We have a visual but media services is muted on Zoom
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The meeting is called to order at 10:08am and a quorum is present with all councilmembers present 🎉
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The meeting is adjourning briefly to finish setting up Zoom.
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As always, the meeting started with prayer
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The resolution to continue remote meetings has been approved
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Next on the agenda is voting for the Council President. They will nominate a Council President and then each councilmember will be voting by ballot.
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Councilmember Tate nominated Mary Sheffield for Council President.
Councilmember Mary Waters was also nominated but I did not hear who nominated her.
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There’s discussion about Zoom attendees who are in the “waiting room” and need to be let into the meeting.
It was clarified that there should not be a waiting room. Those who are seeing a waiting room are likely clicking on a link from previous council meeting.
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There also some confusion about when to let Zoom attendees in the waiting room. Someone said they would do so during public comment, no sure if that’s actually the case
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Benson, Durhal, Johnson, Waters, Tate, Sheffield, Young, Santiago-Romero voted for Mary Sheffield as Council President.

Calloway and Waters voted for Mary Waters.
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Mary Sheffield is the new City Council President 🎉
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Nominations for Council President Pro Tem are James Tate and Mary Waters.

Sheffield nominated James Tate. Calloway nominated Mary Waters.
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Votes for City Council President Pro Tem are as follows:

Tate: Benson, Durhal III, Santiago-Romero, Sheffield, Tate, Young
Waters: Johnson, Waters, Whitfield-Calloway
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James Tate is the new City Council President Pro Tem 🎉
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Council President Pro Tem Tate said he promises to make sure they are working as close as possible and as a “collective”. He said he will work to ensure that they’re not just reacting to items sent from the administration and they’re seeking the legislative action they intend
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Pro Tem Tate said he’ll make sure City Council is communicating their actions to the public, and not just what they voted on.
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Public Comment 🚨

There are no in-person participants and 15 virtual.
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1. He congratulated Sheffield and Tate for being elected President and President Pro Tem.

2. Mr Cunningham congratulated President & Pro Tem on their election and provided a phone # for the public to call and listen to a message.
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3. Mr. Crowley discussed the death of Kaniesha Coleman and said he called Internal Affairs at DPD this morning and received no answers. The circumstances were recently reported on by @other_eli and @WDET.…
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4. Ruth Johnson - she wanted to ensure that the new City Council was aware of what community development advocates do + said they are there to serve with Council as subject matter experts. She was cutoff due to a 1 minute limit on public comments
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5. Renard requested that the Disability Justice Task Force be moved from District 7 to the At-Large council member so the entire city is covered.
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6. Virginia Park 1 - asked for a time clock for public comment and mentioned an incorrect email that was provided. She has concerns about traffic incidents involving bike lanes and discrepancies between children and adults. Also concerned about increases in fires in District 5
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7. Asked that the new Council includes the public in their decisions. Feels the city’s administration has kept residents in the dark about important decisions.
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8. Kyle Van Lopes with Wayne County Exec’s Office provided his email for any concerns or questions.
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9. Cindy Darrah - requested that chat and transcripts be opened on Zoom. Also said she would like to see public comment at the beginning and end of each meeting.
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10. Brenda Hill - feels it would be best if one of the Council President positions were an at-large council member.

11 echoed the same message.
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12. Scotty Bowman - congratulated his former astrology student for being elected to the Council President position. Encouraged a longer time limit for public comment. He also said if someone clicked the link on the city council website, they would be in the waiting room.
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13. Maguerite Maddox - it was difficult to make out what she was saying but I did hear a “good job”.
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And that concludes public comments for today!
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With nothing further on the agenda for today, City Council adjourned at 10:59am.

Agency Information

Detroit City Council

See Documenters reporting

The Detroit City Council is the legislative body of Detroit, Michigan, United States. The Council is responsible for the creation of local laws—called ordinances. Additionally they pass resolutions, motions, and the proposed city budget. The full-time council is required to meet every business day for at least 10 months of the year, with at least eight of these meetings occurring at a location besides city hall. The council may convene for special meetings at the call of the mayor or at least four members of council. Areas of responsibility for the Budget, Finance and Audit Committee include, Budget, Finance and the Auditor General.

City Council members are elected on the same cycle as the Mayor and will be elected in 2021. Seven members represent the seven council districts, while two members are elected at-large.


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