
3215 Cuming St, Omaha, Nebraska 68131 Omaha, NE 68131 (Directions)

Teacher Administrative Center (TAC)

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Edited and summarized by the Omaha - NE Documenters Team

Note-taking by Brittany Herrington

Live reporting by Anthony J. Zarzycki

Anthony J. Zarzycki @anthonyzarzycki
Hi, I'll be livetweeting today's Omaha Public Schools Board of Education @OmahaPubSchool Meeting for #OMAdocumenters @oma_documenters!

The room is about a ¼-full with attendees. I use #OmahaEd so folks interested in Omaha education can find my tweets, hope you use it too!

05:53 PM May 15, 2023 CDT

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@OmahaPubSchool @oma_documenters All Board Members are in attendance tonight.
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Tonight's #OPSProud Spotlight is for students who received top honors across the state for Educators Rising @edrising_ne which helps students on their path to becoming future teachers.
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Next: Superintendent Comments.

Superintendent Logan @OPS_LoganSupt gives her final speech in her position, this being her last Omaha Public Schools Board meeting before Matthew Ray assumes the Interim Superintendency.
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Logan says her tenure was like the Wizard of Oz: a cowardly lion, a scarecrow with no brain, a tin man with no heart, witches and flying monkeys, and all worthwhile: "Nobody in the metro does it better than us. We take all comers. We are happy to see all comers." #NebEd #OmahaEd
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Next: Board Comments.

Full @advocacybri says she met with GR Recruiting and the Accountability Committee after the last contentious meeting regarding the Superintendent search (livetweets:…). Says the conversations were fruitful regarding community input.
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@advocacybri More Board Comments.

After some nudging from Head @Spencer_Head, Smith says the survey for the Superintendent search survey is now publicly available:…

As well, there is a main hub for the Superintendent search moving forward:…
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@advocacybri @Spencer_Head Next: Public Comment.

Randy Rouse, business teacher at @OPS_Northwest, spoke about a taskforce he serves on to address the national and local teacher shortage. "What we came up with is it's more of a trust issue." #OmahaEd #NebEd
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@advocacybri @Spencer_Head @OPS_Northwest Next: Consent Agenda.

Thielen moves to vote, Kratky seconds. Casady @trcasadyops abstains from Item 11, Claim C.

The Consent Agenda passes 9-0, with Item 11 passing 8-0 with 1 abstention. Here's what's in it:…
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@advocacybri @Spencer_Head @OPS_Northwest @trcasadyops Next: Information Items.

Thielen reports the Policy Committee is having a long conversation about what data and metrics to track. Full @advocacybri reports the Policy Committee has no policy changes but is following changes in the education funding formula in the budget. #NELeg
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@advocacybri @Spencer_Head @OPS_Northwest @trcasadyops Next: Action Items.

First, the Board is being presented information on Title I Comprehensive Support and Improvement Grant allocation, a sum of $3.9mil provided by the Nebraska Department of Education.

Slidedeck »…
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@advocacybri @Spencer_Head @OPS_Northwest @trcasadyops Juarez asks about absenteeism being an issue and what the Board can do to improve the situation.

Administration replies things like leadership, staffing, and a caring environment were improving attendance and likely will continue to, but metrics are confounded from the pandemic.
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@advocacybri @Spencer_Head @OPS_Northwest @trcasadyops Erdenberger @JErdenberger asks if turn around schools continue to exist in the new plan. Logan @OPS_LoganSupt replies the 20 CSI schools aren't all turn arounds: the turn arounds use augmented staffing. Administration adds they want the same improvement model across the district.
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@advocacybri @Spencer_Head @OPS_Northwest @trcasadyops @JErdenberger @OPS_LoganSupt Logan @OPS_LoganSupt speaks up about absenteeism and makes a metaphor about a 5-year old showing up late and being asked why they're late: "I didn't make the decision." Says Grade 12 and Kindergarten are the worst grades for absenteeism and people need to look at root causes.
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Logan @OPS_LoganSupt mentions where this conversation about absenteeism is coming from: an investigative article published over the weekend from @LaurenWReports at @OWHnews on attendance at schools not just in Omaha but across Nebraska. #OmahaEd #NebEd…
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@OPS_LoganSupt @LaurenWReports @OWHnews Thielen asks about if the grant money was competitive.

Administration replies that it is. Schools designated CSI (Comprehensive Support and Improvement) schools send their leaders to a workshop and then construct a plan which the state then evaluates when allocating money.
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Smith motions to vote, Kratky seconds. The allocation passes 9-0.
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Next item is on expanding RULER, an international evidence-based social emotional learning tool, to an additional 30 sites on top of the current 25 using $216,000. Administration quotes a mission of RULER: "If I can name how I'm feeling I can then develop the skills to tame it."
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Several hands up on questions after the presentation concludes.
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Thielen says the framework is intuitive and there's evidence for it but asks about in-District results.

Administration says RULER is just one tool the District uses so they don't have isolated research. It's reiterative, as well, so it will evolve with the student over time.
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Full @advocacybri asks how they intervene if implementation goes awry.

Admin says they work with leaders in evaluating schools within MTSSB (Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavioral Health and Wellness) and CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning).
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@advocacybri Thielen asks if this $216,000 is a one-time cost or if it will require further funding.

Administration says it will for continued implementation.
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Smith asks if there's any training within RULER for cultural competency and diverse backgrounds.

Administration says it does not.
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Logan @OPS_LoganSupt responds to Smith, saying in Brackett's @marcbrackett "Permission to Feel", who helped create this model at Yale, the social identity concept he wrote about encapsulates all of a person's background. Brackett spoke to the Board and administration previously.
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@OPS_LoganSupt @LaurenWReports @OWHnews Smith @Spencer_Head says it's unfortunate social emotional learning has been politicized.

Thielen moves to vote, Juarez seconds. Passes 9-0.
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Smith moves to go to closed session, seconded by Erdenberger @JErdenberger. Passes 9-0.

What did you think of this livetweeting of the OPS Board? #OmahaEd
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@JErdenberger Meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. This concludes the Omaha Public Schools (@OmahaPubSchool) Board of Education meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for June 5, 2023. For more meeting coverage, check out #OmahaEd
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You can also get meeting coverage from public bodies across Omaha emailed to your inbox with the Omaha Documenters newsletter!

Agency Information

Omaha Public Schools Board of Education

See Documenters reporting

Mission: To prepare all students for success in college, career and life. Vision: Every student. Every day. Prepared for success. Values: Equity, Results, Leadership, Accountability and Joy

The Omaha Public Schools Board of Education generally meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month. Meetings are at the Teacher and Administration Center (TAC), 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131.


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